
About Me ☺

Hello! My name is Wan Xuan and I just turned 20 this year. I graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Infocomm and Security. I am currently on my first semester, studying in SIM under the University of Wollongong pursuing a Bachelors in Business Information System (BBIS).

After my studies in NYP, I decided to take a further interest in the technology world and delve into courses that were offered by SIM. Since I do not wish to get into a course which intensely focuses on programming, and I am interested in business, I chose BBIS which happens to include both.

Hobbies !!

During my free time, I enjoy watching TV Series, movies and dramas. I tend to focus more on Sitcoms as it leans more towards the comedy aspect. There are a few TV Series that I am especially fond of, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Kim’s Convenience, Modern Family, Gossip girl and the list goes on.

Occasionally, picking up a new recipe to bake or cook as I have been fond of bread and pastries since I was little. I love to watch cooking videos on YouTube and attempt it. I have attempted to make a few pastries such as egg tarts, madeleines and cream puffs. My friends around me have gradually noticed my love for bread and delivered me 15 different pieces of bread alongside with 12 cookies on my recent 20th birthday during the circuit breaker period.

Travels !!

Apart from what I have mentioned above, travelling is my all time favourite! I am thankful enough to have had many chances to be abroad, be it school trips or family trips! I enjoy being in a foreign country, appreciating their culture, food and communicating with the locals. Unfortunately, due to the recent Covid-19 that is happening, I had to cancel my graduation trips to Japan and Korea. But I believe I’ll have the opportunity to head there soon again!

Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.

— Gustave Flaubert

At last, sharing two of my favourite quotes.

One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss, but in the number of things they need no longer mention.

— Clifton Fadiman

There are no hopeless situations. There are only people who have grown hopeless about them.

— Clare Boothe Luce

Thank you so much for reading till this far! See you around! ❤︎

4 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. Hey Wan Xuan! I would say both of us are kind of travelling on the same boat in terms of our interest and focus of the degree program. HAHA 😁 as I personally too have more interest towards technology and Business, while having less focus on programming. This is because, I personally know that Programming is exceptionally difficult as you’ve got to do lots self-study and practice in order to reach higher leaps. 😭 Also, please don’t feel say about your cancelled grad trip, hopefully things will get much better soon. ✈ In addition, I found something interesting in your blog which is not found on mine. You’ve included two of your favorite quotes. After looking at them, I am kind of thinking I should have included mine as well. HEHE

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  2. Hi wan xuan! I hope you are not feeling too down for having to cancel your graduation trip. There are always plenty of opportunities in the future once this pandemic blows over. It seems that watching sitcoms is one of your hobbies. If you don’t mind may I suggest “How I Met Your Mother” and “The Office (US)”. If you have yet to watch them, you should give it a try. Both of them are comedies but they do get emotional from time to time.
    It is also interested seeing the countries you have visited. I am kind of envious of you being able to travel to so many countries. Perhaps you could share some stories of your trips with me. Looking forward to getting to know you.

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  3. Hey Wan Xuan! Seems like I have found a fellow classmate who just enrolled into SIM too. Oh and congratulations on your Poly graduation! 🙂

    In your hobbies section, I have learned that you enjoy watching cooking videos and tried to make a few pastries. If you ever bake extra pastries, please hit me up! I will be more than happy to indulge in your pastry delights! (hehe) In exchange, I can share some cookies with you if you do not mind my amateur cooking (it is edible though no worries).

    By the way, hope you are not too dismayed over the travel cancellations. Well, I believe things will be better soon and you can have an adventure to new places again!

    Before I go, just want to comment that I absolutely love the last quote in your post. It can be a nice reminder during trying times. I hope we will get a chance to meet in school after the pandemic is over! Stay safe and happy weekend! 🙂

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  4. Hello Wan Xuan! I see that you are a big fan of Brooklyn 99 and I must say that it is one of the best television series out there, that show itself helped me get through difficult times in life cause of how funny it can be all the time! I really love the photos you took while travelling and man I miss Japan so much!!, Maybe we could have a chit chat session about your trip to Korea since I have been planning to visit Korea but I am not sure of the places that is like must-visit! Hope to get to you know better as the time goes by! Cheers!

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